Home of Vague Mutterings.
Why? Well, why not? And yes (since I know you must be wondering),
it is a good shrubbery. I like the laurels particularly.
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Do not adjust your set...
If anyone out there has noticed something a bit odd with any links you might have to the blog, it's just that I decided to take advantage of having my sketchbooks here at work to replace a few of the iffy photographs with actual scans. Sorry if I've messed with your brains, folks.
Saturday, 26 September 2009
Sunflower bud in pen and ink

This week's Illustration Friday prompt is pattern. I could have so many ideas for that word. Pattern's a bit of a thing with me, as anyone who's tried to figure out my pointless photography can attest to (er... check the other blog link on the sidebar if you're curious. It truly is pointless photography, though. No false advertising there). Anyway, this is just the first doodle that came to mind. There may be more later in the week, depending on how my week goes.
And why a sunflower doodle (well, almost scribble now that I look at it. Guess we're being a little free with the hatching today) for the word pattern? Well, I love patterns in nature, and sunflowers kind of fascinate me. The radial pattern of the seeds in a mature head, for example, or as in this case the overlapping pattern of the sepals in a developing flower bud.
No big message here -- I just think it's neat.
Saturday, 19 September 2009
Ok, in my defence?

Also, things look a bit wonky due to lack of scanner and very warped paper. I wasn't even the one who warped the paper, but that's another story...
Anyway. This week's Illustration Friday prompt is infinite. And this? Well, the way I see it, if he really put his mind to it a lonely amoeba could make an infinite amount of friends.
Or seemingly infinite, anyway.
Um, yeah. That's all I have to say, I guess.
Except click on the thumbnail if you want to make it bigger.
Saturday, 12 September 2009
Pasqueflower in watercolour

Until I thought of how welcome flowers are after an Alberta winter, that is.
The reference for this doodle was a photo of a Pasqueflower (Prairie Crocus) that was just barely open at the time. Pasqueflowers aren't the same as the European Crocuses that many people grow; the only things they really have in common are being purple (I know, I know, not all crocuses are purple...) and being early to blossom. The one big difference between them is that Pasqueflowers are very, very fuzzy.
Anyway, with their purple flowers and bright yellow centres, they're definitely a welcome sight after a long, drawn-out winter.
Saturday, 5 September 2009
Something or other in graphite

Everyone knows that egg shells are brittle. The arched structure of the egg itself is incredibly strong, though. Strong enough that if you properly line up the eggs you can easily support a book. Or an elephant.
Ok, honestly? I'm not so sure about the elephant part.
Illustration Friday
Thursday, 3 September 2009
Under the lens

Remember, boys and girls: it's not nice to put your friends under the magnifying glass.
Illustration Friday,
modelling clay,
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