I've been away at a conference for most of this week. You know, in case you wondered.
I should make it clear that the conference was for environmental educators, not Play-doh. You have to do something to keep your hands occupied while your brain is (allegedly) engaged, though, so Play-doh it was. That and pipe cleaners.
This is the only effort I took a picture of, but the total output (as best I can remember it) was one bird, one ear, a bowl, a fish, several small vases, and a lot of general smooshing (all with the Play-doh), and a flower and a snail (with the pipe cleaners).
I should have taken a photo of the snail, really. It was kind of neat.
Anyway, I'm back now and will hopefully have something to post for this week's Illustration Friday sometime in the next day or two.
If I don't decide to just spend the weekend sleeping, that is.