What? These are sails for a Manitoba Maple tree, aren't they? I mean, the only other way the tree is going to sail is if it's made into a boat...
Ok, the fact is that I'm a very landlocked person, and the first thing that came to mind with sail was sailing through the air rather than the water. As to the doodle itself, it was done very quickly this morning (in the time I should have been making lunch for work. Yeah, that was smart), and it shows. I'm not especially happy with it, but whatever.
I picked a few maple keys (samaras, technically, although around here most of the kids call them helicopters because of the way they glide when they fall) yesterday and then just dropped them in a pile on my table today to draw them. They aren't ripe yet -- still very green -- and that means they don't have as much textural interest as they will in the fall. Not like that matters for a ten-minute scribble too early in the morning, of course.
And yes, it's the second week in a row that the theme has sent me straight to seeds. What can I say? Naturalist, not artist.
I think it's a neat idea. Your drawings are excellent, and you shouldn't slough them off as "whatever".
Naturalists make stellar artists! They are constantly surrounded by amazing subject manner.
this is very lovely, and a great take on the theme
Gorgeous, gorgeous lines.
i think its sweet (and different), cool! and i like your graphite dandelion. cute. ^_^
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