Monday 27 July 2009

Pods in pen and ink

There were things I should have been doing this afternoon. Instead, I raided my father's pea patch.

This week's Illustration Friday prompt is Idle. Eating someone else's peas counts as idle, right? I don't think it counts as stealing, since I'm house-sitting for him and they'd just get old otherwise...

I suppose that if the act of eating peas doesn't count as idle, we could say that the pods themselves are idle since they're no longer incubating peas.

Um, yeah. This doodle was done very quickly and with not a lot of attention to detail since it's way too hot out there at the moment to concentrate for any length of time. I don't know why I didn't think to find a bit of shade before I started, but it's a little too late to worry about that now.


M.M.E. said...

It's fun to watch your skills improve. Just wanted to let you know I'm having a giveaway for a signed, limited edition print of my newest illustration, "Lover of a Star."

Kim Stramat said...

Great drawing.
Really interesting subject matter.

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